Mintropplatz – Reassembling Public Space “We’re staying here! – Everyone needs a place”

On October 8, 2021 , we addressed the residents of Mintropplatz and the surrounding areas —upon an invite from Jana Lichter (Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences), Anna Ziener (Arbeit und Leben), their colleagues and teams—  where I created a site-specific artistic action based on design practices & strategies that stimulate mutual understanding and gather subjective views of citizens upon their lived experiences. The action questions the social, political and cultural reality of Mintropplatz daily life. Who is behind the representation of city and space? Can we localize lived experiences and strengthen a spatial identity?

All residents were cordially invited to participate in the subjective mapping process to create a visual representation showing what Mintropplatz means personally to them, their feelings for it, envision futures, acknowledge realities, construct hopes. Building on the artistic intervention, a design-mapping workshop opened the following Friday with the aim of further sensitize citizens by means of prints featuring two layers: that of co-created localized photography, and the editing of subjective texts fetched from resident’s gathered data.

Funded by the Socio-Culture Fund with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR.

A project within the framework of the democracy workshop in Oberbilk .