Malware-made Riddles by Milena Bonilla

Graphic artwork for an exhibition of the artist at Jeanine Hofland Gallery in Amsterdam.

«This exhibition is presenting a series of riddles created by an intoxicated system.

The system was bugged by a software installed on it with the purpose of downloading information for free.

A bug infiltrated texts that were searched online and piled inside the computer’s memory.

Leftovers of this intoxication are presented here under the original title of each text, and show the result of this brain- teaser process.

The selection of the book titles strives on a series of political and intellectual interests that have become canonical within the art world, with a few exceptions. The sheer need of knowing and processing enormous amounts of information from different sources, appears as a non spoken contract guaranteeing the artist with a certain political agency within her/his production.

Malware-made Riddles is at the same time a sample of arranged digital waste, and an approximation to the idea of the perfectly crafted, politically prepared and always ready, but intoxicated system-artist-well trained monkey ; whose malware appears reflected in the show by the different contradictions that are seen in some of the riddles: the confrontation between the sophistication of academic language and the poetic clumsiness that others present, the associations between titles which weave different approximations to the idea of intoxication, and by those means, the interaction between the artist as producer of information within an OUT OF BASE ecology and the technological, social, emotional and academic supports that are part of such ecology.

just decoration.”

fragment of a Riddle from the book Derelicts by Esther Leslie» — Milena Bonilla


30 digital prints on 300 Gr. Munken paper, 130 x 210 mm